Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Mommy of the Year award is in the mail...

My children think they are pigs. That is the only reason I have come up with for the reasoning of why they let their bedrooms turn to total squalor. I went downstairs yesterday to do some laundry and the girls bedroom was disgusting! There wasn't any food or drinks down there, but there were piles of clothes, toys, beads, just everything strewn about their room like they had a giant kegger in their room that I wasn't aware of. I have been told by some parents to just "let them keep their rooms the way they want, if its a mess, let it" Do you know what I say to that? HELL NO! That's how my mother was and I think I would have appreciated my things more when I was younger if I was made to clean my room. I go around everyday busting my ass cleaning this house and I am not going to just let my children keep their rooms disgusting. That doesn't fly around here. So my daughters are downstairs with their friends and before they even try to do anything else that bedroom will be cleaned to MY standards! I know they will clean it today because I told them two things. 1. Do they want me to take away all their clothes and they have to clean their room in towels and tell them they get one set of clothing to wear for the entire week like I scared them a few months ago? No. They do not. 2. I told them that I set up a camera hidden in there and I will watch the tape and see who is doing what. Lily totally didn't believe me, but Hailey did. Silly girl! She would totally believe me if I told her that Missouri picked up and moved to China and we now all have to learn chinese. Now I am off to go help the boys clean their room. Days like this make me want to invest in a hazmat suit. Blah.

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