Thursday, May 26, 2011


So it has been almost a year since I posted a blog. Hahaha. I would like to say that I haven't written anything because I have been oh so busy. That is the farthest from the truth ever. It's more because I am lazy. And filled with anger and hatred. Whatever, I'm still awesome.

It's tornado season here once again, and I am more paranoid this season then last. Mostly because I saw the horrifying videos of what happened in Joplin, knowing very well that maybe one day that will be us. Yesterday, I got to hang out with my new neighbor that I have maybe talked to twice. Granted, we were both hunkering down in my storm shelter taking cover from the storm that was blowing through. The scary part wasn't the storm, but I DIDN'T KNOW WHERE MY 3 OLDEST KIDS WERE!!! I was one phone call from a full blown panic attack. All I knew was while the wind was whipping, the skies were lighting up like no other and thunder was shaking the windows of my house my children were supposed to have been on the school bus heading home. I figured that they had been turned around and taking shelter at school but I wasn't for certain. Scared me to death. I also learned to NEVER EVER tell your husband that you don't know where your kids are because he freaks out worse than I do. At least we rode through the storm un-injured and my children got home maybe an hour or so later. And I sat with my new neighbor for all of maybe two hours and I still have any clue to what her name is. LOL I ROCK!

Now that my kids are all on summer break, I will remember that I do have this blog and maybe write more than once a year. Or I won't.